Because we firmly believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, we try to observe only those things contained in it, so that we may worship “in spirit and in truth†(John 4:23-24), that is, with the right attitude and following the express instructions of God. We believe that, with God’s help and by doing our very best to pattern ourselves after the Church of the Bible in everything we do, undenominational, New Testament Christianity can be restored in our time. We warmly invite you to join in our worship.
SINGING: To many, our song worship will be a highlight. No mechanical instruments of music are used; we simply raise our voices and hearts as a group in praise to Almighty God as we are instructed to do in his word (Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16). The songs are selected so as to stir in our hearts a desire to obedience and spiritual commitment. We encourage you to sing along with us.
TEACHING: The lessons delivered are designed to instruct and encourage us in the ways of righteousness.
CONTRIBUTION/OFFERING: Each member gives as he has been prospered and as he has purposed in his heart (1 Corinthians 16:1-2; 2 Corinthians 9:7). The offering, collected during the Sunday service, is voluntary; the funds are used for different aspects of the work of the church, under the direction of the elders.
THE LORD’S SUPPER: We strive to observe the communion just as instructed in Scripture. The brother who presides at the table will give thanks for the bread and the cup. Each will be passed until the whole congregation has partaken. Repeated at this congregation every first day of the week, this is the central point of our worship (Acts 20:7).
If you decide to worship with us, we hope that you will find that God is indeed among us, and that you will be truly blessed to worship in “spirit and in truth†(John 4:23-24).
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If you have any question or special needs, please let us know. We welcome your questions about life and Christianity.