More Than Sunday

In 2025, we want every member at Linder Road to strengthen their relationship with God. Each month we will focus on a unique way to improve our relationship with God. As we prepare for the new year, we encourage everyone to take a self-assessment of their spiritual life. At the end of the year, we can look back to see how our relationship with God has grown.

Get a journal or open a note on your phone and take some time before the new year to answer the following questions.

  1. Where did you get your view of God?
  2. Have your views of God changed significantly from childhood?
  3. What names of God do you use when you pray? What does that say about your view of God?
  4. Write a brief spiritual autobiography. Answer questions like:
    1. How has God pursued you?
    2. How have you seen God in your “mountaintop moments”?
    3. How was God working in the turning points of your life?

We encourage you to do as much or as little as you’d like, at your own pace. There is no need to rush. Don’t worry about falling behind.

More Than Sunday Practices

Click on the buttons below to access the monthly practices for each spiritual discipline.