


‘‘Tis The Season”   “That night there were shepherds staying in the fields nearby, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. They were terrified, but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! And you will recognize him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger.” Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others—the armies of heaven—praising God and saying, “Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with…
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2024 Lectureship

2024 Lectureship

Start date: 10/17/2024 End date: 10/20/2024 All-day event Location: Linder Road church of Christ Grace Factor Grace "GREATER THAN WE DESERVE; GREATER THAN WE IMAGINE" Schedule Grace - GREATER THAN WE DESERVE - GREATER THAN WE IMAGINE Thursday: October 17 7:00pmCongregational Singing7:15pmWHY IS GRACE AMAZING? Tim Lewis Friday - October 18 9:00amGRACE IN LIFE AND TEACHING Jeff Jenkins9:45amBreak10:15amGRACE IN THE SACRIFICE AND VICTORY OF JESUS John Moore11:00amBreak11:00amGRACE IN OUR SALVATION Eric Lyons12:00pmBreak for Lunch1:30pmLIVING UNDER GOD's GRACE Corey Sawers2:15pmBreak2:30pmLABORING UNDER GOD'S GRACE Tim Lewis3:15pmBreak3:30pmDRAWING NEAR TO THE THRONE OF GRACE Jeremy Myers4:15pmBreak for Dinner7:00pmCongregational Singing7:15pmGROWING IN GOD'S GRACE Jeff Jenkins Saturday - October 19 9:00amRESPECTING GOD'S GRACE Tim Lewis9:45amBreak10:15amTHINKING AND SPEAKING WITH GRACE Corey Sawyers11:00amBreak11:15amSTANDING IN GRACE - John Moore12:00pmBreak for lunch1:30pmABUNDANT GRACE Eric LyonsTeen Class Jeremy Myers2:15pmBreak2:30pmSUFFICIENT GRACE Corey SawyersTeen Class Jeremy Myers3:15pmBreak3:30pmSINGING WITH GRACE Jeff Jenkins4:15pmBreak for Dinner7:00pmCongregational Singing7:15pmTHE GOD OF ALL…
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Single Mom’s & Widow’s Car Care Clinic 2024

Single Mom’s & Widow’s Car Care Clinic 2024

On Saturday, August 10, 2024 Linder Road held its second annual Single Mom's Car Care Clinic.  Over 30 members of the congregation served single moms and widows from our community in this unique, free event. The event was held from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm with pre-scheduled appointments every 30 minutes.  Each guest received an oil change a multipoint inspection provided by "Oil Change Pros"  A car wash was also provided by our members after the oil service was completed. During their wait time, guests were offered refreshments and the children were given activities to do to occupy them.  We also provided backpacks loaded with school supplies for the children in grades from kindergarten through 8th grade. It was a great blessing for us to be able to extend this…
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Rooted in Outreach – Congregational Retreat

Rooted in Outreach – Congregational Retreat

Trinity Pines Retreat Center, overlooking the beautiful Payette River on the outskirts of Cascade, was again the venue where over 200 Linder congregation members spent the weekend together at our third annual church retreat. The theme for our retreat was “Rooted in Outreach”, based on Romans 10:13-15.  The purpose of the retreat was to rest in God and reflect on our relationships with him and one another, focusing on building stronger relationships rooted in fellowship, edification, encouragement and fun in a relaxing setting. The free time activities included opportunities to play team sports such as soccer, volleyball, wiffle ball, and other lawn games like cornhole.  Other activities to be enjoyed were zip lines, swings, biking and hiking on paths, which crisscrossed the property.  Indoor activities included checkers, cards, foosball,…
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Guatemala Mission 2024

Guatemala Mission 2024

Linder Road sent a team of 27 people, including several of our teens, to Guatemala to serve and encourage the Christians, the community, and our missionaries working there. For many team members, this was their first time on a service mission out of the country or in a third-world country. The vignettes in the above video explore the teens' impressions of being in another culture, communicating with speakers of another language, and serving others in ways that stretch their abilities. As we traveled through Guatemala, met people we had never known and worked in places doing things we may never have done before, we were confronted with the reality that the mission was not about us or what we thought should happen. The mission was about how God was…
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