
Young Children

The Linder Road church of Christ offers bible classes for our cradle roll, toddler, and preschool age groups every Sunday morning and Wednesday evening. 

These age groups are also welcome to join in the fun offered to our elementary school children such as VBS and Kid’s Care Group, however we request a parent stay with them during these events.

Elementary School

The Linder Road church of Christ offers bible classes for all age groups.  Our Sunday morning elementary class teachers are second to none. If your child begins this class in the first grade, they will have gone through the bible twice before moving to the Junior High Class; but it’s never too late to join in this fun and active class.  These teachers do an amazing job going through the bible, and sharing stories with the use of props, visuals, games, special activities, and sometimes costumes!  On Sundays, all 1st-6th graders meet together to share in this experience. On Wednesday nights the kids split into smaller class aged groups where they receive lessons and assignments appropriate for their grade level.   

In addition to bible classes, the children at Linder Road share in times together building friendships; we have a “Kid’s Group” that gets together to just have (organized) fun, we participate in pre-teen camp for grades 3rd-6th, and we host an annual VBS. You can find additional information regarding these events on this website.    


We get together for Bible studies, teen hang outs, summer camps, youth rallies, and more.

For more information you can contact our Youth Minister Jared McCormick @208-887-4633.

Leadership Training for Christ

The purpose of LTC is to give youth in 3rd -12th grade a chance to grow spiritually and develops skills for serving in the church. Also, deeper relationships are formed through individual and team activities/events completed throughout the year.

Upcoming Youth Events

Kids’ Care Group Valentine’s Day Party & Boxes

Start date: 01/26/2025
End date: 02/14/2025
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Linder Road Church
care group

All Church members can participate in giving cards to the kids.

Learn More

Wednesday Night Supper

Date: 02/12/2025
Time: 5:30 pm

Free Diapers – Diaper Bank

Date: 02/12/2025
Time: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Location: 1555 N. Linder Rd. Meridian, ID 83642