On Saturday, March 30, 2024 several hundred people showed up at the Linder Road church of Christ between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm to participate in our annual Community Giveaway. This event began in 2003 when two ladies had the idea to reach out to our community by freely sharing from our overflow of material blessings.
Members of the Linder congregation contribute gently used clothing, furniture, toys, books, and various household items for the event. Then, we invite our neighbors to come by and pick up whatever they need for free.
Why do we continue doing this 20+ year old traditional event? We want to be like the Lord we follow. Jesus had compassion and cared for people, so we want to do the same.
â€The Lord helps all who fall; he raises up all who are oppressed. All eyes look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. The Lord is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all his acts.“
(â€â€Psalms‬ â€145‬:â€14‬-â€17‬).
We share because that is what pleases God and when we share the blessings of God with others, we want people to see Jesus, who gave freely to many people while he was on earth. We are his disciples, trying to follow his example.
It takes many people to make this event possible; those who donated items, others who set up and organized the event, those who assisted during the actual giveaway, and finally the clean-up crew who tidied up afterwards. Thanks to so many volunteers, this year’s giveaway was another great success.
We are so thankful to have more than enough to share with our neighbors. Most of all, we want our community to see the love of Jesus in us, so they might come and see the Good News of his great love for all people. We invite you to join us for worship or Bible study soon!
“I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.†(â€â€John‬ â€13‬:â€34‬-â€35‬)