The Supremacy of Christ and Christianity
Lectureship 2017 The Linder Road church of Christ is proud to sponsor our 16th annual lectureship. The lectureship brings to Idaho in some of the best voices in the Churches of Christ to discuss issues that hit home for Christians. This year's theme was "The Supremacy of Christ and Christianity". The Supremacy of Christ and Christianity Hebrews — Seeking God’s Best for Your Life [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/embed?listType=playlist&list=PLdvqqv4DMyl6RUjV7OywkQ3_8GUIWE7WB&layout=gallery[/embedyt] October 12th Keynote: The Superiority of Christ (Keith Parker) October 13th Keynote: Better Message (Guy Orbison) A Better Way — Faithful in Christ (Dan Owen) Better Promise (Kevin Hahn) Jesus, Better than Angels (Byron Benitez) Keynote: A Better Covenant (Brandon Edwards) A Better Way — Living by Faith (Guy Orbison) A Better City / Country / Kingdom (Keith Parker) Jesus Better than Moses (Kevin…